Wildlife & Weather

One of the biggest things that can effect the health of your wildlife is something you have no power to control – the weather! So how do wildlife cope with it? Today we’ll find out! Lets get started with a few definitions: Weather: The condition of the atmosphere at a particular place, and during a…

Life Tables & Survivorship Curves

Knowing how your animals will fare over time is an important part of being a wildlife manager. Not all animals live long lives, and sometimes thats by design. Having a long term plan for “long-lived” species such as deer, would be more beneficial than the same type of plan for a spawning cycle of fish…


Illegal, uncontrolled harvest of wildlife is known as poaching and it threatens the survival of wild animal populations. Today we’ll discuss poaching and its negative impacts on your wildlife. Unfortunately, poaching is more common than you may think. A lot of times you will find evidence like pictured below: this is a male deer who has…

Trophy Deer Management & QDM

To expand upon our last post of the role of harvesting wildlife, one of the ways that wildlife managers can manipulate hunting to influence wildlife populations is Trophy Deer Management and Quality Deer Management (QDM). These obviously relate specifically to deer populations, but these large herbivores are one of your biggest revenue streams and need…

Wildlife & Harvest: Part II

In a continuation of our last post, where does hunting (or harvest) fit in? When properly managed and regulated, harvest (be it hunting, trapping, or fishing) can be used to take the place of some forms of natural mortality. Harvest should be a replacing form of mortality, it should replace some of the mortality which…

Wildlife & Harvest: Part I

Now its time to go over your personal feelings about hunting with a fine-toothed comb. Harvesting animals is one of the wildlife managers most useful and effective tools. Before we get into how harvesting (hunting, fishing, and trapping) fits into your tool belt (and your feelings about it), lets discuss the reasons why. In most…

Wildlife Diseases & Habitat Quality

There is a strong correlation between wildlife diseases and their habitats. Today we’ll discuss those diseases and how what’s surrounding them can contribute. More importantly, we’ll also go over diseases that can be passed to us humans and what we can do to prevent them. Before we get started, here are some concepts to keep…

Types of Wildlife Mortality

As a follow up from the last post, today we’ll go over the different types of wildlife mortality. There are many different ways your animals can die, when we discuss these ways, you can see how to prevent these types of mortality as much as possible. Starvation and Malnutrition: Starvation is death or debilitation caused…

Wildlife Mortality Concepts

There are many types of mortality that wildlife can succumb to. Mortality is merely the cause of death; some being normal and others abnormal. Today we will discuss the differences between the two and the general concepts of mortality that can damage your wildlife populations. Normal Mortality vs. Abnormal Mortality Normal Mortality: Types of mortality…

Population Size & Reproduction

Environmental factors that may influence the reproductive process (e.g., nutrition, weather, crowding, predation, disease) often have more severe impacts on reproductive success when wildlife populations are HIGH rather than low. Why? In large populations there is more competition for both quantity and quality of food and cover, which leads us into a discussion of density-dependent reproduction….